Theatrical Approach of Bagh
In Advanced Design Studio 01 the instructor gave students freedom to choose their own site and program. I chose to select my site in Isfahan, Iran. Isfahan is a city in central Iran and is the capital of Esfahan Province. The Persians call it “Nesf-e-Jahan”, meaning “Half the World”. After my research and analysis I came up with the idea of designing performance areas that were inspired by traditional performances in Iran, especially in Isfahan. The initial concept of the project was “Persian Garden” that can define the theatrical approach of the ‘Bagh’ makes an appropriate discipline for my project. Persian Garden, as an integral and complete structure, implies and demonstrates the close relationship between its cultural and natural basis and also is a sign of consistent, compatibility and adaptation of nature and human needs. Beside the Persian Garden idea I used the traditional pattern and concept of the Bazaar of Isfahan (dome shape with controlling the sunshine) to generate the project’s skin.