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Lafayette Park & Gifu Apartment

In Visual Communication Four, I had to analyze, interpret, and extrapolate upon pairs of case studies through exercises in diagramming, sketching, rendering, technical programing, modeling, and presentation.

I selected the “Lafayette Park” project by Mies Van Der Rohe and the “Gifu Kitagata Apartment” Building by Sanaa group for my study. Lafayette Park was constructed between 1956 and 1959 and contains large collection of buildings. The district is comprised of four components: The plaisance, the pavilion, the east and west towers, and the privately owned town and court houses. The Gifu Apartment located in Japan is a ten story public housing reconstruction and constructed between 1994 and 1998. Each unit consisting of a few basic blocks that includes a courtyard-like terrace. 

Inhabiting Everyday Monuments
Recovery Park
Theatrical Approach of Bagh
Food House
Lafayette and Gifu
Material Fabrication
Cultural Center
Mobile Store
Urban Design
Moderate Surgery Center
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